Techniques That Help You Fall Asleep Fast

No matter how much we toss and turn, some of us are unable to sleep quickly enough when we lay down, especially when not tired. While a lucky few quickly slip off into dreamland within seconds as soon as their head hits the pillow, many people struggle to sleep after hours of tossing and turning. So what do these lucky few do right that the rest of us is doing wrong?

Here we give you a few techniques that not only improve your overall quality of sleep, but also can help you fall asleep fast, and are especially helpful for when you’re not tired:

How To Fall Asleep Fast

No More Electronics

The first and foremost thing to do is to unplug yourself from all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. If you try to fall asleep right after watching few hours of television, or playing adrenaline-pumping video games, or simply looking at your Smartphone for hours together, then your brain takes time to shut off and to let you fall asleep. Make it a habit never to bring your electronic devices like laptops, and mobile phones to bed. It is also better if you don’t have a television in your bedroom.

Music and Books

At the end of the day, perhaps unwind with a good book or listen to calming music. Going back to good old-fashioned techniques where reading a good paperback in bed can be very relaxing and effective for helping induce sleep when not tired. As for listening to music before sleep, perhaps depending on your choice of playlist, whether it’s through your Bluetooth speakers or earphones, anything between 5-45 minutes at 60-80 beats per minute (bpm) can calm the brain and body enough to put yours into a good night’s sleep.

Find A Routine

Many people who I speak to that have no trouble sleeping instantly have a routine that they follow and adhere to every night. Some people do light exercise, whilst others iron their clothes for the next day. Either way, getting into routine programs the body into believing that bedtime is soon coming. Sticking to a routine is especially effective when a timetable is in place too. For example, the physical body clock and brain work in tandem to slowly prepare for instant sleep, which can easily happen within seconds when mastered.

Breathing Techniques

If you are not able to fall asleep once you lie on the bed, you can try deep breathing. Focus on inhalation and exhalation. Calm your mind and try to get rid of all the thoughts that pop into your head. Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Try to extend each breath.

Light Exercise

Try relaxing your muscles one by one. Start from your toes and slowly tense each muscle as tightly as you can and then unclench the muscles. Do this repeatedly until you reach the muscles at the top of your head. Finally, close your eyes and imagine a calm peaceful environment and submerge yourself there. Try not to overdo the exercise before sleep as this could instead keep you awake.

The Right Mattress and Bed

When you have made sure all of the above practices are in place and adhered to, if you’re still having problems falling asleep quickly, then it may be time to change the mattress. None of the above should require any major financial investment, but a mattress or bed can be expensive. Finding the best mattress and suitable bedding options can help with sleeping problems because comfort is paramount when trying to sleep. If your mattress or bed is too old and not offering the level of comfort and support that your body requires, even following the above tips will not help.

Follow these techniques and banish sleeplessness and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.

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